Breathe, relax and focus on the other person’s needs and wants. There are many sides to you, and sometimes you’re not sure which “you” to bring to the moment. If you knew that your fond dream would come true eventually, would that allow you to relax and enjoy what’s unfolding right now? Trust that the future favors you so you can pay more attention to today. A low-grade razzle-dazzle may be all the distraction you need to get your foot in the door. It’s what ambitious people do, and it’s how you grow. You have your eye on a role you’re not exactly qualified to play. “Not” is the answer, unless you’re strongly feeling it (and if you were, why would you be asking the question in the first place?). To volunteer or not to volunteer - that is the question. That’s real talent there, and you’ll be paid well for it, too. You will skillfully calibrate a person’s interest level and then match it with a response that will ratchet that interest up a few notches. Your hospitable demeanor is comforting to one who sorely needed comfort, and it’s attractive to all.Ĭancer (June 22-July 22). Furthermore, everyone is weird in some regard. Your worries will dissipate as your emotional flexibility increases. Stave off negativity gently stretch into hope. It makes your emotional body stiff and achy. Negativity is like arthritis to the soul. Another sign is the resistance to relaxation, wanting to continually impress and improve for your love. One sign of deep affection is the ability for partners to relax around one another. The earth-sign trine brings tangible evidence that our passionate dreams really can come true.Īries (March 21-April 19). But that doesn’t mean these times are any less auspicious, not with the exciting connection that the Taurus sun has planned with Jupiter. Sure, Mercury is still retrograde (as are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), and our sense of progress is all out of whack.